92: TV/Film/ Game Licensing - aka SYNCH Licensing
October 22, 2009
Ariel Hyatt in Billboard, Copyrights, Film, Game, Gossip Girl, Grey's Anatomy, Indie Artists, Licensing, Making Money, Making Money, Music Business, Phil Putnam, Synch licensing

The Billboard Maximum 100 article was ba-na-nas off base overall, but they were on the right track with Synch Licensing. If you own the copyrights of your music (if you don’t, you’re a complete moron, leave the music business now) placements of your music in TV/Film/Games is a vital part of your long-term financial success. There are about 900,000 shows besides Grey’s Anatomy and Gossip Girl that need music, and there’s no reason why your music can’t be the right pick. As you dive into these waters, remember two things: THEY need YOU, and a Music Supervisor needs the right song for their show more than they need a household name singing it.

- Phil Putnam



Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
See website for complete article licensing information.