30 Tips For The Typical Musician
July 16, 2010
Mike Venti

For those of us who embrace shades of mediocrity, here are some tips for becoming a typical musician:






OK. Let’s all have a good chuckle over some of these points. But, the amazing part is, at one point or another in my life I’ve done–and seen others do–some of these things. I think it’s natural for many of us to fall into these traps, just make sure you realize it and reverse the trend. The world is littered with musicians who have never been able to climb back out again, and you will meet many of them along the way. It’s easier than you think to become the bitter 30 year old still living with his parents, or the jaded 60 year old who continues to record and play but never gets any better.

Recognizing this type of destructive behaviour is one of the first steps to getting rid of it.

Never settle on being typical. Only by being atypical will you command the attention you truly deserve.


Can you see yourself in any of these points? What other typical behaviours have you witnessed?

Image by: Pensiero

Mike Venti is a musician and creator of the Wayward Musician blog, which provides ideas and advice for atypical artists. This post was originally published on Wayward Musician on February 27, 2010. You can connect with Mike on Twitter and Facebook

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
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