5 Tips for the Ultimate Coachella Experience
April 13, 2015
Cherie Nelson

Do you still need to finalize your plans and preparations for Coachella? If you already have tickets, consider yourself among the chosen few, seeing as tickets sold out within 40 minutes of being released, notes Desert Sun. And, don't forget, these two fun-filled weekends are sure to be inundated with crowds of festival-goers ready to have the time of their lives in the scorching California heat.

As you get ready for the event, here are a few tips to make your Coachella experience unforgettable:

1. Dress to Impress

Festival goers dress up in everything from zombie costumes to barely any clothes at all for Coachella, so make your mark by going a little out of the ordinary with your wardrobe. You can make your own crazy attire, or you can check out a costume site like Morphsuits.com to choose anything from a Disney Princess to Cleopatra to a gruesome zombie.

2. Find a Place to Stay

If you haven't already made travel arrangements for Coachella, you better hurry since your options will be severely limited at this point. Most camp sites are no longer available and nearby hotels are near capacity. As a last resort, look for rooms in a surrounding city or look for private alternatives through CouchSurfing.com or Airbnb.

3. Download the App

Grab your smartphone and download the Coachella app. It’s available on both iOS and Android platforms and boasts a plethora of useful features, including:

• Schedule creation and sharing

• Real-time festival news and updates

• Wristband activation capabilities

• Shuttle tracking

• Parking maps

• Meal planning

• Forecasts

4. Have a Charger

The last thing you want to happen is to pull out a dying cell phone when a photo opportunity arises with your favorite artist or when your girlfriend is pulled up on stage to sing along with the band. Instead of risking a dead battery, bring along a portable charger. This will spare you the headache of waiting in the long lines at the charging station or missing a photo opportunity.

5. Take Care of Yourself

If you take care of your body, it will take care of you. While it’s tempting to load up on booze, ditch a healthy meal and burn the midnight oils, this may backfire. Here are some self-care tips:

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
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