Alternative Entrepreneurship
November 14, 2012
Jacob Rosati in Entrepreneurship

Intrapreneurship is one of the least talked about (and probably least known) outlets for that entrepreneurial spirit. Simply put, intrapreneurship is entrepreneurship within a company.

What’s it good for??
High Resources
No entry level entrepreneur has as many resources as an established company. When an intrapreneur strikes something good, she has access to much more infrastructure, capital, and human resources than she would on her own. This means more success? Yes, yes it does.

Low Risk
Even for a successful entrepreneur, one of the most daunting issues is stability. The intrapreneur trades some of their responsibility for lower risk. They’re not using their own money and frequently they’re even getting a salary. Not so bad as far as the whole “putting food on the table” thing goes.

What it ain’t so good for
Ideal intrapreneurship will not dampen, but promote creativity (more resources = more options). But, the resources have to make sense with the idea (the resources of a promotion company are not as helpful to someone trying to start a Direct-to-Fan app). Intrapreneurship only makes sense if the goals of the intrapreneur and the resources of the company align. Otherwise it stifles creativity!

Success Feeling
When an entrepreneur is successful they get to keep all of their money, spend it how they please, and never have to hear from a boss. A beautiful life! When you’re working for a company, it’s easy for an intrapreneur to not feel as satisfied because they’re not the center of public attention, the company is.

Why Now?
Ian Rogers and others are predicting we’ll get our information from a few “trusted brands.” The internet-exploding-anyone-can-do-anything world is consolidating into fewer, bigger companies again.

These powerhouse companies continue to grow while young companies are being bought or forced out of business earlier and earlier. Why not join one of these companies with momentum? It sounds like an evil thing, but they have resources and a reputation hard to match on your own. For many innovators, intrapreneurship is the best way to keep doing what they love. Let’s add some stability to our innovation.

What this All Means
I am not arguing that intrapreneurship is better than entrepreneurship. Heck, intrapreneurship wouldn’t have allowed Steve Jobs to create with the freedom that he did. But there are only a handful of people like Steve and we want more creators. I mean, I want to see what all those creators can come up with. Make my life easier already!


Jacob Rosati is 22 and spends time making musicmanaging music, and losing his glasses while stomping. Also Described As: Amateur Chemex Enthusiast, Shrimp Tank Owner, and “That Guy with Super Dry Humor.”

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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