Concert Etiquette 101: Tips Every Music Lover Should Know
November 26, 2015
Emma Sturgis in Concert, Live, Live Music, etiquette, manners

Festivals, intimate club shows and arena tours are the places to be to see your favorite band or entertainer. In fact, you might see several shows a month because music is your passion. When you frequent concerts, there’s a specific culture that you encounter. From mosh pit rules to bathroom etiquette, take a look at some of the best ways to enjoy every concert without hindering the experience for someone else.

Be Courteous Toward Others

Although being courteous should be common sense, it seems that many people forget about this particular etiquette detail when they enter a venue. Regardless of the concert type, pushing people around you to adjust your position in front of the stage is entirely rude and could potentially start a fight. Go ahead and dance in your personal space, but don’t move so close to others that they feel uncomfortable. Simply be aware of your body and available space around you. If you’re a fan of singing during a concert, keep your volume down and try to remain on-key. Fans around you can hear the entire solo, and if it’s off-key, they’re frustrated almost immediately.

Arriving Early Has Its Perks

Unless you have reserved seats, arriving early is the best way to have the perfect view of the stage. In fact, you could be one of the first people inside the doors. Claim your spot near the stage and stay there. You can even take turns saving the area with friends if you need to use the restroom or purchase food. The worst etiquette regarding your position on the concert floor is arriving late and forcing your way through the crowd. It’s even worse if you’re tall, arrive late and position yourself in front of a shorter person. Be fair to other people around you and remain in the back if you’re late to the show.

Drink Responsibly

Drinking alcohol at the concert is part of the fun, for many people, but be smart about the process. If you drink to the point of drunkenness, you will probably frustrate concertgoers near you. Loud or violent drunkenness at a concert only ruins the experience for you and everyone nearby. If you over-imbibe, you could run the risk of facing a public intoxication charge, which a criminal defense attorney in Austin, TX says could affect your employability and legal standing. Additionally, keep your hands firmly planted on your drink. Although the venue gives you plastic or aluminum for safety purposes, no one wants alcohol spilled on their clothing or shoes. If you aren’t sure how you’ll react to a couple of drinks, try abstaining for the night. It’s possible to enjoy the music without an alcoholic buzz.

Get Your Cash and ID Ready

There are always long lines at any concert, so be ready when you reach the cashier. Mentally calculate your purchase and have the cash in hand during your order. If you’re using a credit card, automatically hold out your ID card to speed up the line. When you must dig in your wallet to find the correct change, the line grows longer and concertgoers get frustrated. No one wants to miss the headlining event. This same concept applies toward bathroom lines. Don’t cut in line and be ready to enter a stall when one opens up. Everyone has the same need as you, and making the line wait even longer is poor etiquette.

A final piece of concert etiquette doesn’t even apply during the show but relates to leaving the venue. Everyone exits the venue in droves after a performance so be polite as all of the cars slowly crawl onto the surrounding streets. Honking and yelling at others isn’t going to make the traffic any better than before. Sit back, turn on the radio and enjoy more music as the traffic thins out. You’ll cap your night off with a calming ride home.

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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