Invest in live show gear or invest in making a better record - which is more important?
July 21, 2009
Music Think Tank in Developing a Strategy

An artist writes into Music Think Tank today to ask the question below - can someone please advise this person?

I find myself in a predicament that I am sure plenty of other aspiring artists have as well. Is it more important to invest in a better live show in regards to equipment and sound, or should I consider the importance of having an actual recorded product to spread around?

My confusion is rooted into the conflict between the relationship of the two. If I have a better live show in regards to presence and sound, people are going to be looking for a physical product. However, with a relatively well recorded EP, the same people are going to wonder why our live sound is lacking.

Is it better to focus on one over the other, or is an average-above average result in both more desirable?

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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