5 Ways To Promote Your Music
March 4, 2014
Michael Collins in Album Release, Band Marketing, band marketing, facebook marketing

You’ve done the hard part - you’ve created your own music that you’re proud of and want to share with the world.  After hundreds of hours writing, practising, recording, mixing, and editing - your tunes are ready to go.  But, have you thought about the next step?  How are you going to promote your music beyond your immediate fan base to start getting that all important exposure?

We’ve put together 5 ways to promote your music in the digital age.  Hopefully these will help you take your music to the next level, so jump in and see what works for you:

1. Social Media Marketing

Social media platforms, and in particular Facebook, allow you to get a new audience listening to your music quickly and cost effectively.  You can use Facebook Ads to target people interested in similar artists to you, whilst excluding your current fans.  This allows you to generate a new fan base quickly and relatively cheaply.

2. Custom Merchandise

These days it’s almost as important that your music looks good, as how it sounds.  We’d suggest getting custom artwork created, and also getting this printed onto your cds, by a company such as Disc Makers.  If you’re going to be giving your tunes to promoters, or selling on your merch stand or through the web, you need your product to look good to ensure that people pass it on, and give it their full attention.

3. Get A Website

If you haven’t already got one, now is the time to get a website for your band.  There are a number of great services that provide cheap or free websites for bands, such as Wix and Moonfruit.

Having a website means that people can find you in Google, see where you’re playing, pick out images of the band, and most importantly can be exposed to your new music in an environment that you control.

4. Make Friends With The Local Press

Wherever you’re based, you will have a local magazine or newspaper.  If you’re releasing new music then now is a great time to make friends with the relevant journalists on these publications.  They will be more than happy to write about you and feature links to your music, as long as you approach them in the right way and make friends first!

5. Get Reviewed

Once your music is ready and you have your custom discs ready to go, send them away to relevant blogs and promoters in the local area and with specialisms in your music genre to get reviewed.  Reviews are one of the most powerful factors in someones thought process when coming to buy music, and they give great exposure to new markets!


In conclusion, getting your music out there can be just as hard as the process of writing, recording and production.  But, many fall away as they don’t take this step seriously enough.  If you’ve gone to the effort of creating great music, then do it justice and get the exposure that you deserve.

Good luck!

Author Bio

I’m Michael Collins - a freelance writer focussed on technology and the arts (with a particular focus on music).  I write for some of the leading blogs around on a wide variety of topics, but music is my real passion!

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
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