Holy Grail Of Song Pitching
July 4, 2013
Darren in Hip-Hop, Indepedendant Artist , Information, Music Publishing, Music Services, Songwriting, audiorokit, getting signed, music marketing, music promotion, publishers, record labels, song pitching, song pitching, song writing, songwritng

Imagine if you hand over your best songs to a “robot” publisher who would submit your material to industry professionals and song placements from all around the world, even while you sleep.

This robot would submit to placements that meet your requirements, he would only submit to real (industry lookikng) opportunities and he wouldn’t demand any royalties.

Are you starting to like my robot vision?

The thing is, I feel that the holy grail of song pitching is to make it 100% automated without cutting corners. Luckily, I work at a fantastic online song submission platform called Audio Rokit and it is my job to come up with new “top secret” features (he says rubbing his hands together)!

Admittedly Audio Rokit is already incredibly easy to use. Once you’ve uploaded your song(s) they are stored in your “pitching library”. Submitting to industry professionals simply requires you to tick which songs to send. That’s not exactly labour intensive I know, but you still need to browse the opportunities and login to submit your music to the ones you like. That is all “friction” and not as sexy as an automated system.

I recently sent an email out to about 300 musicians asking them if they would like to see a feature on Audio Rokit which allows them to effectively switch on “automated pitching” and 84% said yes they would. It seems that pretty much all musicians would rather not have to deal with submitting their music to placements and opportunities, an automated system seems like a good solution.

As a songwriter myself I know the hassle all to well. I probably only sent one of my songs to a music company once a month, yet I would tell friends that I am serious about my career. I have thought about why so many musicians spend hours and hours on their music but don’t market them correctly. I wrote a blog about my thoughts here

It would be very simple to use. You would specify (for each of your songs) who you would like your songs submitted to. For example, you may want one of your songs to be sent to music publishers in UK and another of your songs to be sent to record labels in USA.

Your music would only be submitted to music companies that are actively seeking music which matches your song(s). There is no point submitting material to companies who haven’t asked to receive material because it won’t be listen to. As a side note, all placement opportunities on Audio Rokit are up to date and actively seeking new material so we’re OK there.

I’d really like to get your thoughts on whether you think an automated pitching facility is a good idea and if it’s something you would use? Maybe you have some ideas about how it could work for you or suggestions of what we should not do? I’m all ears!


Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (https://www.musicthinktank.com/).
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