Rock The Boat: 9 People Who Beefed With Lil Yachty
December 15, 2016
Don Br

A lot of people want it with Lil Boat.

It’s been a huge year for Lil Yachty. The red-beaded rapper has been everywhere and back by the ripe age of 19, securing himself the “King of the Youth” title Ian Connor has been forced to leave behind. Unfortunately, not everyone has been happy with the sudden rise of Lil Boat. Rappers (Soulja BoyAb-Soul) have made dissing Yachty a habit this past year, and even some non-rappers have followed suit (sorry Shia).

Flip through the gallery to take a look at all the people who have been taking shots at the world’s most nautical rapper this past year. We don’t see them sinking the boat anytime soon.

Article originally appeared on Music Think Tank (
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