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Entries in concerts (18)


10 Ways To Book More House Concerts

This post was written by Joy Ike ​and originally appeared on the Bandzoogle Blog.

House concerts: everybody loves them, but most artists don’t know how to get them. They are the most-coveted type of gigs for singer/songwriters and acoustic bands. They don’t require a lot of promotional effort - which means less time behind your computer, and more time behind your instrument.

Yes, in the ecosystem of gigs, house concerts are king! So how do you book them? Here are some simple ways to make it happen!

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Concert Road Warriors - How To Show Your Affection For Your Favorite Bands

When you go to concerts, it’s more fun if you can find interesting and effective ways to support your favorite bands. It doesn’t matter if these are world famous musicians or simply friends of yours who have started a local band that you want to support. Either way, there are ways to show your loyalty and make the experience of attending concerts more fun for you and your friends.

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High Notes: What You Can Do To Reduce Drug Use At Concerts

Festivals and concerts would be a great time for live music, but some people use them as an excuse to do drugs. In fact, we hear about drug deaths and drug overdoses every year at concert festivals. Along with the injuries and arrests, it can turn an awesome time at a concert into a sad experience. Because the law prohibits drug-friendly concerts, many organizers of these events enforce a zero-tolerance policy. You do have some who turn a blind eye, but they get shut down eventually.

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The Rising Popularity Of Tracks In Live Performances

In recent years, the music industry has experienced a shift as audiences get younger and music fans become more accepting of a wider range of sounds and musical genres. Streaming services and online music stores like iTunes have completely changed the way that we buy and access music by placing the entire history of the artform at our fingertips. We no longer buy the albums that sound like the ones we already own. (After all, who wants to pay $18 for something we might not even like?) Now, we sample everything because it’s extremely easy and cheap to do so. The effect is that, over time, our tastes evolve to let in a larger variety of sounds and styles.

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