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Entries in drugs (4)


10 Rock Bands That Disappeared Thanks To Problems With Alcohol And Drugs

Highly-successful rock ‘n’ roll musicians may have literally “partied like rock stars” by popping pills, smoking marijuana, and binge-drinking while snorting cocaine. 

In these cases, drug rehab could have helped address the problem, and they could have been given a better chance. 

Here are 10 rock ‘n’ roll bands that went downhill because of substance abuse. 

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Are Musicians Really More Likely To Use Drugs?

I used to do social work for a living, the kind of social work where you work with people in the field to reinforce what they’re learning in therapy. I was also (and still am) a musician. Throughout my time as a social worker, and really throughout my life, I’ve noted the pervasive picture of the musician as addict, the musician as drug user, and the musician as junky. 

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High Notes: What You Can Do To Reduce Drug Use At Concerts

Festivals and concerts would be a great time for live music, but some people use them as an excuse to do drugs. In fact, we hear about drug deaths and drug overdoses every year at concert festivals. Along with the injuries and arrests, it can turn an awesome time at a concert into a sad experience. Because the law prohibits drug-friendly concerts, many organizers of these events enforce a zero-tolerance policy. You do have some who turn a blind eye, but they get shut down eventually.

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Dance And Death: The EDM Scene Problem No One Wants To Talk About

EDM, or Electronic Dance Music, is the newest craze among teenagers and young adults. At huge festivals, thousands of people dance and groove to the pulsating music offered by various DJs. On the surface, these dance festivals are a positive group of people simply wanting to dress any way they prefer and jump around to their favorite songs. However, there’s an underground drug culture that’s putting many people at risk. Drug overdoses, assaults, and even fatalities have marred the EDM scene as of late. A look at the underbelly of this scene and the issues involved could help us understand how to address them.

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