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Entries in financial advice (4)


Unexpected Expenses To Prepare For As A Musician

As a musician, you’re used to fending for yourself. Whether you’re picking up a side gig to pay the bills, researching the latest Gibson to see if it’ll improve your sound, or figuring out the logistics for your next tour, you know how to get things done. With that said, though, even the most responsible musically-inclined entrepreneur can overlook things from time to time.

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How Do Professional Bands Get Ready To Go On Tour?

It’s such an exciting experience for professional bands to get to a place where they’re able to go on tour. This means that it’s no longer a local garage band that only friends and family come to hear. Now, there are people in other states who want to hear the live version of the music. Not only is it a huge compliment, it’s also a huge accomplishment. Now, in order to adequately prepare for a multi-city tour, there are a few components to consider.

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Why Budgeting Is So Important For Independent Artists

No matter what, one thing is for sure: If you can’t get your budget under control, your music career will be a huge waste of time and money.

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3 Reasons Why You Shouldn't Announce A Release Date

Bands often come to me while they are in the studio with a clear idea they would like to release their album within a few months. However, without a finished product this is rarely a successful strategy. I’ve even seen a few bands announce their album release date on social networks and then have to retract that date, due to a variety of circumstances.

These are three reasons why you shouldn’t announce your release date before you have a finished product.

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