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Entries in musical history (2)


The oldest song ever written

Guest post by Daniel Reifsnyder. This article originally appeared on Soundfly’s Flypaper

It’s often said that songwriters need to strive to be the first to say or do something, or otherwise be the best or most unique at saying it. Music, in some form, has been around for at least 35,000 years, so being the first to say pretty much anything would certainly be a feat.

Knowing that, how old human music is, has led many to wonder what exactly the first song ever written was. While the actual first song may be lost to time, researchers have discovered the oldest song to be preserved in its entirety — which includes its notation!

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The musicology is the scientific or academic study of all phenomena related to music, as its physical basis, its history and its relationship to the human being and society. Their guidelines are very diverse, emphasize different work areas, objects of study and research problems. Musicology it defined and developed very differently according to the different national traditions.

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