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Entries in song collaboration (2)


How to Topline as a Traditional Singer Songwriter

If you’re a traditional songwriter, you will probably have more traditional habits of writing. Toplining can seem like an entirely new world that is intimidating, especially if you are writing in a new genre, but it’s a great form of songwriting that stretches writing muscles in an interesting way. It is also nice to not have to focus on every aspect of the song and the choices you need to make (if you write melody/lyrics/harmony all together, like many songwriters do). Here are some great steps to help you topline for the first time, as well as things to keep in mind.

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Co-Writing: Two Pens Are Better Than One

There’s sometimes a stigma associated to co-writing – as if there’s a purity to the “solitary creator” in music. We’d like to dispel the bad reputation of co-writing and say, categorically, these lone geniuses are a dime a dozen. All you have to do is look to some of your biggest musical idols like Bowie, who knew that good creation comes from good collaboration.

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