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Entries in soundtrack (3)


5 Quintessential Movie Soundtracks You Need In Your Collection

While you watch a movie because you like the story and its characters, you also can’t help but get lost in the music that goes along with it. In fact, many movies are acclaimed far more for their soundtracks than the movie itself. Ever since humans first figured out how to make excellent use of the silver screen, music has been vital to keeping audiences in suspense from start to finish. If you are a soundtrack fan, here are five of the all-time best you need in your collection.

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Symphony Of Fear: What Makes A Great Horror Soundtrack

All movies have to try to make a viewer believe in the realism of what is happening the screen, but horror movies face a unique task of trying to make viewers be in fear of a bunch of moving pictures. To build an atmosphere of tension and dread they have to utilize the whole range of tools, and the soundtrack takes a special place in that effort. From “Shining” to a B-tier monster movie, there’s no mistaking a horror movie soundtrack with any other genre. But what makes great and effective dreadful soundtrack?


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Soundwhich, Make Royalty Free Music Like Sandwich

Music is math that moves people. That’s the conceit behind Soundwhich, an online platform that allows users to access, combine and share the basic “ingredients” of music to create their own songs, all without preexisting musical knowledge. 

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