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Blind Melon Frontman Releases Debut Solo Album and Label Proceeds Go To Charity


Travis T. Warren, the current frontman for Blind Melon, recently released his debut solo album Beneath These Borrowed Skies from Clarity Way Records, a newly established record label owned by Clarity Way, a drug and alcohol rehab facility. All of the proceeds from Clarity Way Records will be donated to MusiCares— a charitable organization created by The Recording Academy (Grammys) in 1989.


MusiCares offers support and assistance for musicians and music industry-related people who are in need of personal, financial, or medical help. The non-profit foundation has a variety of services and resources they use to help those in need, and they treat each case with integrity and confidentiality. 


In addition to helping those in need, MusiCares spends a great deal of time and energy using their resources to focus on human service issues that directly impact the health and welfare of the music community (


Travis T. Warren and Clarity Way Records have shown an incredible amount of appreciation and support for work that MusiCares does. After all, how often do you hear of a rock singer’s record label donating the money they make off an album to charity? And it’s not like Beneath These Borrowed Skies is an album that was created solely for charity purposes like other musicians, bands, and record labels have done before. This is Travis T. Warren’s first record as a solo artist, and it says a lot about his character that he recorded with a label willing to take a stance to support a charity that helps musicians in need.  Likewise, it says a lot about Clarity Way Records that they’re willing to create a record label that promises do donate their proceeds to a non-profit organization.


Both Travis and Clarity Way Records know first-hand how important a charity like MusiCares is to the music industry. Clarity Way Records states that its mission is to work with artists who are recovering from drug and alcohol addiction, and Travis is just that—a recovering addict who is ready to share his music—and his story of personal struggle—with the world. He wants to encourage addicts to get help, and make sure there are resources, like MusiCares, available to help.


In addition to donating their proceeds to MusiCares, Clarity Way Records is also sponsoring MusiCares Teens! Make Music Contest. The contest asks teenagers to write an original song that either promotes a happy and healthy lifestyle, or accurately depicts a story about drug abuse. The winner of the Teens! Make Music Contest will receive a number of prizes, including a trip to the 55th Annual Grammy Awards and a chance to record an album with Clarity Way Records.


It’s great to see both a musician and his record label supporting such a great cause, and promoting such a great charity. The fact that all of the proceeds Clarity Way Records makes will be donated to MusiCares cannot be said enough; that is an astonishingly selfless and amazing thing that Travis and Clarity Way are doing.


It’s easy to forget that there are thousands upon thousands of musicians who are struggling with personal, medical, and financial issues just like us normal folk, and sometimes all they need is a hand to grab onto to help them get back on their feet. MusiCares, Travis T. Warren, and Clarity Way Records are all holding out a hand, which is pretty awesome.  I commend them all.


Check out the album here:

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