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Branding by Association

Branding by association or Association branding simply means aligning your brand with products, places, and things that relate to or complement your brand. It almost plays into the popular saying that your parents used to tell you “you are only as good as the people you surround yourself with” or something like that. Brand association can effectively build your brands identity, and help your audience, tribe, or fans really get a personal feel for what your brand represents. When using brand association, you have to be very careful because when you link your brand with another, then when that brand faces controversy it could reflect negatively towards your brand. Similar how celebrity endorsements can put a bad light on a brand if that celebrity is involved in negative publicity, same can happen using brand association. A musician is building a brand whether they know it or not, and brand association can help that artist become more niche. This is just an introduction to brand association; I will elaborate on this further in the future. Please let me know whether you agree or disagree with me.

You can follow me @bonestx

Reader Comments (1)

Yes, but also brand association can be put in momentum by releasing cover songs or playing "benefit shows" for political hot topics.

October 12 | Unregistered CommenterCrowfeatheR

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