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Entries in apparel (2)


Music & Fashion Pt Deux 

In our last blog about Music & Fashion, we highlighted how these two elements can come together to make a powerful force in the entertainment and fashion industries. You can take that on and allow yourself as an indie artist to be a part of that force. Today, music artists are setting the latest fashion trends. Consumers are being inspired by what today’s hottest artists are wearing on red carpets, interviews, appearances, concerts, and even on their social media during random outings. Some wardrobe choices are only meant for the stage however, fans are constantly wondering, “What are they wearing? How can I get it?” This blog can go for up & coming fashion moguls as well. You want your clothes to have more exposure in your industry, team up with a great artist to help build that brand. Gain their fans as future customers.

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One Nine Eight Four Denim Releases Pt. 3 Of Artist Editions Signature Tee Series

3/19/2015 -  (NEW YORK, NY) - ONE NINE EIGHT FOUR Denim, partnered with Cure for the Common Studios by Andy Sheffield to create a 3-part Signature Tee series, ARTIST EDITIONS. The idea for this series was to provide consumers with premium signature tees as well as to encourage them to think. Pt. 1 “Over/Under” and Pt. 2 “Inject Some Personality” have received a great response from followers and supporters. With great anticipation for Pt. 3, “Truth Over Slogans” has finally released completing the series!

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