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Entries in community of practice (1)


Improving the Vitality of a Music Community through Community-Based Education Models 

The new musical business has created a democratized landscape whose positive effects allows fans access to more music than ever before and place the power to build musical careers squarely as the responsibility of the artist. There are negative effects though and a major one is that the incredible amount of available information makes navigating this landscape tedious and difficult. Without a roadmap it can be a fast track to obscurity as new models emerge and die rapidly. Musicians looking to successfully harness the power of this new business must dedicate a considerable amount of resources to current and actionable career building education. Contributing to this problem are that tips, tricks and skills accrued by successful musicians seems to be passed on in an oral tradition fashion, a high fidelity transmission of information but applied only as a one-to-one or a one-to-few model. Finally, very few effective non-institutionalized locations exist where musicians can share their knowledge and experience and help other bands develop their careers.

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