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Entries in Google (8)


Apple and Oranges

Re/Code has reported on Friday March 6, 2015 that Apple plans on having a music streaming service that will not feature a free tier. Apple wants to have a single premium only model that will leave consumers paying $9.99 a month. Others speculate that Apple will have a two-tier model. The premium model is like a buffet of all you can listen to music, while the lower $7.99 service will come with limitations.

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How artists can promote gigs in Google using structured data

In March, on the Google Webmaster Central blog, Google confirmed it is to start displaying upcoming gigs or concerts on the right-hand side of its search results for band name results.


It’s all well and good explaining this to the search marketing audience who already understand and practice such techniques, but does it really mean anything to musicians and artists? Perhaps the more important question is: should they take note?

The answer is yes!

This is great news for both searchers and musicians. The searcher can now see, at a glance, what gigs are coming up, with little effort, when looking up an artist. The musician can promote their upcoming concerts more effectively via Google.

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Yes, we will be comparing big music and media to the French aristocracy who lost their heads in the French Revolution. No, I do not believe it to be a literal comparison, but figuratively, it’s pretty darn close.

Google’s Eric Schmidt: “I would like to tell you that the internet has created such a level playing field that the Long Tail is absolutely the place to be — that there’s so much differentiation, there’s so much diversity, so many new voices.  Unfortunately, that’s not the case. What really happens is something called a power law, with the property that a small number of things are very highly concentrated and most other things have relatively little volume.  Virtually all of the new network markets follow this law. So, while the tail is very interesting, the vast majority of revenue remains in the head. And this is a lesson that businesses have to learn.  While you can have a Long Tail strategy, you better have a head, because that’s where all the revenue is. But when you get everybody together they still like to have one superstar. So, we love the Long Tail, but we make most of our revenue in the head, because of the math of the power law. And you need both, by the way. You need the head and the tail to make the model work.”

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10 Steps Ever Artist Must Take to Promote Their Tour

Do you have a tour or one-off show coming up? Let’s talk about how to promote it.

Now, I understand that there are many debates on where the responsibility of promoting lies (some argue the venue/promoter, some argue the artist). Those debates aside, let me say this: the time and money that goes into strategically promoting your shows will always provide a good return on investment. Who doesn’t want to gain a reputation as a hard-working artist willing to do nearly whatever it takes to make the show a success?

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Has Facebook grown too big for itself?

Has Facebook grown to big for itself & actually listen to the voice of its users?

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Google Recordings/Apple Records

An interesting proposition here, by Edward James Bass on that tech companies might buy up bits of the music biz or even set up as labels themselves.

In a way, it’s already happening, but without the investment in artists.  Perhaps they’re waiting for a successful model to appear which can then be sucked into their amoeba structure, (XL beware!) or perhaps the grand and evil plan is that, eventually, when all the artists have given up trying to make money from their recordings they will be able treat music in the same way they treat funny baby videos…  a bit like they’re doing right now.

Of course, the music won’t stop.  There will be a million copycat hobbyists for them to choose from (some of them adding music to the meals they prepare in the kitchens of their restaurants, along with pepper and cumen), plus a few thousand doomed and starving True Artists, still trying to push the boundaries in between searching the gutters for a crust.

Perhaps, if they are as wise as they seem to be, the tech companies might find a way to invest in the artists who provide the soundtracks to a billion web visits.  Could they fund academies?  Trust funds that provide bursaries (you need two references from a cool teacher)?  Buy up Mean Fiddler?  Or just become Apple Records - ‘bringing together the artists of today with the methods and media of tomorrow…’


Google Music Currently Shuts Out Independent Artists

Billboard recently posted details about a proposed music service currently being created by Google. The proposal outlines ways to help major label artists with its tentative format, but there is no mention of indie labels or artists.

The proposed plans are to offer a basic digital music retailer concept with a twist. The company is hoping to provide an innovative cloud-based service where consumers can have their music in a “locker” for $25 per year. Music in the “locker” could be downloaded or streamed by an internet connected gadget.

The proposal seems to be an iTunes competitor and not a game-changer like most music fans had hoped.

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The "Metagration" of the Web...and what it can mean for artists..

It only make sense that with the floods of content floating out there waiting to be surfed, there would be some better tools put in place for finding and organizing the content that interests you the most.

So how is content found today? I think it would be safe to assume that Google is the number 1 way people currently find content on the web that they’re looking for specifically. It works great. It will show me any content or any websites that even contain the keywords I’m looking for, but when it comes to using the search results for a specific function, Google isn’t always so specific. In other words, there’s many things Google can’t/doesn’t do.

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