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Entries in obamacare (1)


Musicians: Free Health Care Consultations Available Now

Are you and your team set up with ObamaCare yet?

Sure, it’s something we’ve been talking about ever since the launch of the initially problematic website. However, if you are a musician or represent musicians, DO NOT stop reading. It could end up costing you.

For musicians, it’s a matter of getting in touch with the right people, asking the right questions, and getting the right advice to avoid the unnecessary expense. Enter:

The organization has been running steady for 10 years, and started out as a platform to help register voters for the 2004 presidential election. Since then, they have successfully organized many socially conscious initiatives such as #SoundOff, a Twitter platform that allows anyone to tweet directly at Congress and create an open dialogue with lawmakers, nationally-broadcasted PSAs, and much more. Simply put, their mission is to promote participation and democracy through music.

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