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Music Think Tank Open

Anybody (no really anybody) can contribute anything relevant to this page…All mp3s should be posted on the MTT radio page. If you cannot find your post here, your article may have been moved to the MTT homepage.

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Entries in R.E.M. (1)



R.E.M. wrote the book on music and activism, and have tirelessly protected human rights, the environment, and supported those who needed it. To honor this rich history of great music and activism, Air Traffic Control (ATC) is collecting donations for an R.E.M. Fund through the end of October here:

ATC will work with R.E.M. to give the donations to some of the great organizations the band has worked with over the years. We will also pass along well-wishes and messages with the donation list to the band. All donations are tax-deductible. Make a donation online here: or mail checks made out to Air Traffic Control: 1475 15th Street San Francisco, CA 94103

If you want to tweet or post, here is some language: 

Please Share: Celebrate R.E.M.’s long history of great music & activism by making a donation to the #REMfund

About ATC: Air Traffic Control (ATC) helps musicians play an effective, unique and vital role in the promotion of social justice. Musicians and managers established ATC five years ago to assemble an experienced and trusted team of leaders, resources and tools that would help them to create more effective social change collaborations with each other and social justice organizations. As a result, ATC became an artists’ air traffic control—one that develops capacity, efficiency, and coordination to produce stronger and more creative social change collaborations. For more information about ATC, please go to