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Music Think Tank Open

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Entries in Stylez Kriswell (1)


It's OK to cram: college creatives take on 'The 72 Hour Project'

WASHINGTON, DC (March 5, 2012) — Most college students will agree that in the long run, an all-nighter is not the best idea. But it was the perfect idea for the more than 25 young music makers who gathered in a small College Park, Md., radio station one January weekend. The assignment? Create an original, 10-track music project in 72 hours.

The 72 Hour Project is a barrier-breaking experience orchestrated by Kevin L. Alexander, a DMV-based mixing engineer and entrepreneur. A beautifully chaotic collective of egos and art, the project comprises artists, songwriters, producers and musicians and places them in rare circumstances – creating an album from scratch in one weekend.

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