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Entries in self care (4)


The Soundtrack To A Better Night’s Sleep

Data was gathered from 6,576,512 listeners, meaning millions of people are turning to music to get some shuteye. The songs were analysed to reveal the most popular tracks according to Spotify’s algorithm, which could end your sleep struggles in just three weeks.

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Rest And Relaxation: How To Chill Out After The Show

Performing can be an incredibly strenuous task. Though touring musicians might think that all they have to do is simply get up on stage each night, performing night after night is actually a great way to seriously hurt your voice and body in the long run. Even if you’re not on tour, it is important to have warm up and cool down exercises for before and after the show so you can stay focused and consistent in the days after. Since you’re likely already familiar with many different ways to warm up, here are four tips on how to relax after a big show:

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Self-Care For Touring Musicians

Life on the road sounds like a dream come true. For all of the romantic overtones, though, the cold, hard truth is traveling on a regular basis can be downright exhausting. That’s why it’s important to head out on tour with a plan in place. 

There are many basic things you can do in order to keep yourself up and running — like sleeping well, eating healthy, and so on. However, sometimes a bit of focused self-care is required in order to truly thrive while cooped up in a vehicle and sleeping in strange places for days on end. 

If you’re on the road (or soon will be) and are looking for some ways to help keep your health strong and your spirits up, look no further. Here are some tips and tricks to keep yourself in tip-top condition while on the road.

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Learning To Love Music Festivals As A Sober Person

Music festivals and nightclubs may seem like places to avoid if you’re recently sober. That might be true, if the scene is a specific trigger for your addiction. However, attending music festivals sober can be a fantastic experience and a welcome opportunity.

Here is a series of tips and tricks for joining up with your peers in recovery who also love music. Keep safe and protect your good health by learning to attend music festivals clean and sober.

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