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Music Think Tank Open

Anybody (no really anybody) can contribute anything relevant to this page…All mp3s should be posted on the MTT radio page. If you cannot find your post here, your article may have been moved to the MTT homepage.

If you would like Music Think Tank to publish your contribution, please read our posting guidelines and our posting advice.

Entries in free music streaming (2)


Free music search & download with MP3jam

One program to download over 20 million songs – this is what MP3jam’s like. It is a unique app for Windows to search, listen and download music in MP3 format. All downloads are legal and absolutely free – a ‘must-have’ for music fans.

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Free Music Streaming: Monetizing The Listening Experience 

People want free music. Artists want to make money from their art while supplying people with music, be it free or otherwise. Could Spotify, Rdio, and MOG be the answer? Does our use of services like Soundcloud, Bandcamp, and Reverbanation handicap the revenue potential of those services?

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