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Entries in regulation (1)


New regulation in Belgium: restriction of volume level

As some of you may or may not know, Belgium’s got a lot of great bands. Just think about dEUS, The Black Box Revelation, Hooverphonic, Millionaire, etc. If you haven’t heard of them yet, you should definitely check them out (not that I’m advertising over here, just exchanging tips). Now these bands are already pretty well-known, here in our small country. But a lot of other equally great bands that are just starting out as artists, haven’t earned their named yet in the musicbizz. And that’s why a lot of people are pretty angry about the soon-to-be new regulation regarding the volume during concerts and festivals. The Flemish Minister of Cultural Affairs, Joke Schauvliege (Christian Democrate party), decided to restrict the maximum sound level to a hundred decibels, in local pubs, concert venues and during festivals, in order to limit hearing loss. A rule that pisses off almost any Belgian musician.  

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