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Entries in brand image (2)


Why Should I Care? Defining Your Brand

Before you get caught up in graphics and social media and album releases and tours, you need to know what you’re trying to advertise. Defining and developing your brand is vital to pretty much any project, and it’s often a step people skip or take for granted. Take a second and ask yourself, Why Should I Care?

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Amplify Your DJ Brand with These 4 Tips

Unless you have been living under a rock for the past 10 years, I would be surprised if you didn’t know about social media and what it means for you as a DJ, producer or electronic music artist. For a beginner DJ or as someone who is just starting your DJ career, it allows you to be successful even without a record label or radio support. If you are a more established DJ, it is even more an essential part of your digital being as a DJ in all your personas. Social media by default has become your personal DJ brand online and in fact with a Facebook page a lot of people already have an online DJ brand destination, they just don’t think of it that way as they publish and promote their music to friends, fans and followers. And here’s what they are missing!

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