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Entries in generate fans (3)


"It's Not Just About The Music…"

“It’s not just about the music- the music is the foundation and the platform but to make that music heard it is so much more. A great song is kind of the beginning. Even most the songs on the radio- I would say it’s half great songs and half good songs put out by great artists- people would rather hear the okay or good songs by the artists that they love and stand behind and the movement they follow rather than great songs by people that they don’t care about.”

“It’s all about the moment and the experience, you have to give people something they can remember- maybe it’s doing something in your set that’s a little bit different that they can’t get with anyone else. You have to give them exclusive content; it’s the same business model for almost anything. Why do people wanna buy this when they can buy that? What does your product have that the other products in the same exact market don’t? What’s different? Music is the same thing.”

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The One (and Only) Thing A DJ Should Ask For In Return For DJ Mixes

You’re creating boatloads of amazing mixes - yippee! So, it’s only natural that for every piece of music you deliver people should automatically make people want to come to your gigs or buy your latest release …right?


One singular piece of music isn’t going to translate into an immediate purchase or attendance to your event.

But, I have good news.

Building trust and BFF-worthy relationships with people so that they do backflips of joy when you make an offer is something you can do.

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Fan the Fire of Fandom

you might have a spark.
but you need a flame.

and once you have a flame,
you need a fire.

in fact, you need a raging fucking inferno.

you need to burst into flames and create the most fantastic of fans.
that’s how you create true, sustainable longevity.

it’s done by your fans and through your fans.
your most passionate fans are the key to your success. 

are you fanning the fire of fandom?

without fans, your thing won’t be heard. 
without fans, your thing won’t be seen.
it won’t be shared. it won’t be talked about.
and it sure as hell won’t be bought.

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