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Entries in online music sales (3)


Online Music Marketing Strategies for Indie Musicians 

These days online music marketing is one of the most widely used forms of advertising and marketing used by musicians. But oddly enough most musicians do not have a plan in place as to how they plan on marketing their music. Most consists of random twitter and facebook posts, but have no strategy in place. I’m going to touch on a few things you can do right now to improve your music marketing. So here are 4 basic strategies you can put in place right now to take your online music marketing to the next level. 

1. Master a Few Proven Strategies Instead of Being “Good” at Several

Every day there is a new social website popping up. And many artists run to that new site and post all their information and where does it go? Nowhere. It is better to become a master of a few than to be good at many. For instance the three that I like to focus my time on is Twitter, Facebook, and Instagram. They all integrate extremely well, and so I can maximize my efforts. I also like to use a program called Hootsuite, because I can make several posts at once without ever going to a social page.

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7 Tips to Increase your Exposure and Potential

By now it’s apparent that there is a ton of music out there – over-saturation is a term you may hear often these days. For anyone getting involved with the music industry there is always a need for more exposure and promotion. If an artist or a record label has it, they will sell better, simple as that.

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Don’t Give Your Music Away Online – Ask for Something!

You can still make money from selling your music. It just takes more creativity nowadays.

Believe it or not, you can still make money from your music. It just takes a little more creativity then it used to. We’ve dug deep and what follows are our best ideas.

Before you begin raking in the dough, you need a couple of things first. One is your own website. Why? Because you have no control over those aggregators like ReverbNation, BandCamp, CDbaby, etc. Now we like BandCamp and believe it’s the best aggregator, but it’s not your home-base. The thing is,what happens to someone who might really dig one of your songs, but then gets side-tracked by another band on BandCamp? You’ve probably lost them forever. You won’t lose them in the awesomeness of your musical home! I’m a huge proponent of – some of the most usable sites on the web are run by

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