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How to Market Your Music Like Beyonce' 

Beyonce’ is considered one of the greatest entertainers today. She is known for her captivating stage show, excellent performance skills, and catchy tunes. But Beyonce’ is not only a great entertainer, she (her team) is a marketing genius as well. Beyonce’ took music fans by surprised when she released Beyonce’ a year ago without promotion. There are some principles that indie artists can apply from Beyonce’s marketing campaign.

  • Dare to be different- Beyonce took risks with her Beyonce’ album. Beyonce’ was a visual album with music videos for all 17 tracks. She released the album unannouneced without any promotion or a lead single. The element of surprise worked well. Now, you may not be able to use the “surprise” album strategy, but this should inspire you to think outside the box. Just as you tap into your creativity to create your music, use your creativity to market your music. Think of methods that will cause you to stand out and that would resonate with your audience.


  •  Offer compelling contentBeyonce’ wasn’t just a collection of new songs. It provided a unique experience for fans through the videos. In today’s landscape, fans don’t just buy your music. They consume your content. “Wow” your fans by creating compelling content and experiences such as video diaries, live streams, and contests.


  • Be strategic- The Beyonce’ album was a surprise to us, but Beyonce’s team was working behind the scenes on the album for months. Recording the album, making the videos, preventing the album from leaking, and preparing for the big announcement took time and work. Beyonce also made several strategic moves before and when she released her album. She performed at the Presidential Inauguration, did the Super Bowl half-time show, and toured across the country. A simple Instagram post announced the new album and created a massive buzz as well of a ton of publicity. Beyonce’ exclusively released her album to iTunes and you had to buy the entire album the first week. All of these moves helped Beyonce’ to sell over 800,000 copies her first three days. The music industry is a game of chess. You cannot just wing it and expect to get amazing results. Create a plan for your brand and then execute.


  • Build a buzz BEFORE you release your album- Although she didn’t do a traditional promo run, Beyonce’ built a buzz before releasing her album. Along with her performances and touring, she also released her self-directed documentary, appeared on Oprah’s Next Chapter, and released Flawless (Bow Down) as a teaser. All of these things got the rumor mill going about a new album. It is critical that you build a buzz before you release new music. Instead of releasing music every week, make one good single that you can promote and build a buzz for your next release.


  • Build a loyal fan base- Beyonce’ was able to release an album without traditional promo because she has a loyal fan base that always support her. A loyal fan will support everything you do. They will buy your album, come to your shows, purchase your merchandise, and support your other endeavors. A loyal fan base also allows you to generate more revenue. Take the time to build a loyal fan base. Interact with your fans on a consistent basis to build loyalty.


  • Timing – Beyonce’ released her album in the middle of the night on a Friday. Albums are typically released on a Tuesday. By releasing her album on Friday, she generated a buzz over the weekend that carried into the next week. Releasing her album in December also made it a great Christmas gift for fans. As the saying goes, timing is everything. Timing is critical part of your marketing plan. Make sure all of your marketing activities build on each other and they are timed well.  Be aware of mainstream album releases when you pick your release date. If Drake is releasing an album the same day you plan to drop your new EP, you might want to switch your date. (No one is going to care).You can’t completely avoid being overshadowed by mainstream artists, but you want to set yourself for success as much as possible. Keep in mind that 4th quarter is a prime time for superstar artists to release their albums. Major labels put a lot of money into promoting their superstar albums during the 4th  quarter. Retailers are also vying for consumers’ attention with their holiday sales. If you plan to release music during the 4th quarter, it may be best to wait until the New Year after everything dies down.


Lauren Gill is the Founder and Chief Power Specialist of Power Publicity- a marketing, branding, and public relations firm that empowers entertainment, nonprofit, and lifestyle brands. She has executed successful marketing and PR campaigns for major and indie recording artists. She can be reached at and on Twitter @IamLaurenGill and @_powerpublicity. 

Reader Comments (4)

Without trying to be harsh, it's difficult to laud Beyonce as a genius simply for being one of the few artists in the world with the profile to be able to release an album out of the blue and not have it fall flat on its face; the notions of offering compelling content, being strategic, building a buzz and a loyal fanbase and taking timing into consideration are hardly unique concepts, and indeed are things that an indie artist can find much closer comparisons with almost any other mainstream release.

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April 13 | Unregistered Commenteroriginal b

I enjoy reading this.

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