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Getting the right starter synth: 5 points to consider

With over 100,000 sold in the United States in 2020 alone, synthesizers are an undeniable part of the music world. As the market continues to grow, musicians turn to synthesizers to create a sound that is uniquely theirs.

You might find jumping in right away to be intimidating, but a few synthesizers are perfect for beginners — you just have to identify which one feels right. Electronic sound modification is here to stay, and it’s never too late to find a starter synthesizer that works for you.

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5 Benefits of Playing Electronic Drums

One of the biggest benefits of playing electronic drum sets is the fact that they don’t make as much noise as acoustic drum kits do. This makes them great alternative drum kit options if you live in an apartment or space where noise is a factor.

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Designing a site for your band: 7 tips

Your band needs a web presence these days. Without one, your fans won’t know where to get the latest 411 on your upcoming shows and album releases. 

However, many artists’ pages leave a lot to be desired. You need to tailor your colors and layout to optimize the user experience and promote sales. Here are seven tips to keep in mind when designing a site for your band. 

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MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Building a team & More


A guide for musicians on building a team and avoiding industry sharks

I’ve been speaking with a lot of clients lately, both about the work we do together on their websites, and the bigger picture of their careers. A common thread that has been coming up in conversation is that around building a team, and the mixed experiences they’ve had around this.

Many of the concerns that we’ve discussed recently have included: Ul>

  • How to identify what roles you need to fill in your team, and how to find the RIGHT people to fill these roles
  • The impacts of hiring people/companies who simply don’t deliver what they say they will
  • Consultants offering bad or irrelevant device (AND charging over-the-odds for it)
  • Poor expectation management (especially when it comes to PR campaigns).
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    Designing a Music Venue for Accessibility

    Your music is a gift you give to the entire world. You want to share it with the widest possible audience. 

    Therefore, you want everyone to be able to attend. Here are seven tips for designing a music venue for accessibility. 

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    Music and Meditation Platform MEYA Announces Jamie Jones and Lee Burridge as New Partners

    Well-being, music, and meditation platform MEYA has announced electronic music’s leading artists Jamie Jones and Lee Burridge as new equity partners. Jones and Burridge will contribute exclusive tracks and meditation remixes to the app as part of their Music Mind Journey series, which bridges the gap between music, meditation, and mental health.

    The collaborative project aims to transcend the typical confines of meditation, interweaving multi-level brainwave entrainment and vocal guidance with the deeply immersive experiences and psychoacoustic effects achieved through music. This unique fusion allows users to make meditation as empowering as an unforgettable experience on the dancefloor or as deep and emotional as listening to your favorite songs.

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    Who were the “Lockdown Winners” on Spotify?

    With touring and live events at a standstill from April 2020 to April 2021, both musicians and audiences turned to streaming. Music research and analytics platform Viberate looked into the numbers to pinpoint the artists who made the most of the situation on Spotify.

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    MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Creating your own festival stage & More


    4 Ways to Create Your Own Stage for a Local Music Festival This Summer

    With the summer returning to normal there are more local music festivals popping up. Though they tend to have their own main stage, they don’t normally provide this type of platform for other groups. Thus, bands, dance troupes, and other performers may need to provide their own stages.

    Luckily, building one isn’t hard to do. Here are 4 ways to create your own stage for a local music festival this summer.

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    What's The Best Finish For Your Guitar?

    A while back I posted an article on my website explaining the cost of refinishing a guitar. This text is taken from the original article which can be found here.

    Your guitar’s finish is not just there to make it look pretty. It actually does one of the most crucial jobs - Protecting the wood of your guitar!

    Moisture is the main culprit behind wood damage, and the the best way to protect your wood from moisture is to coat a thin layer of finish over your instrument.

    For this reason, and also to minimize any accidental damage to the wood surface, having a proper finish is vital for the long-life of your guitar.

    But what finish is right for you?

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    SubmitHub Review: How I Got Featured on Blogs and Spotify Playlists

    As an indie musician, you’re constantly looking for new ways to get your music out there.

    But you don’t want to hire an expensive PR agency.

    And you want real fans to connect with your music, not fake streams.

    Enter SubmitHub.

    I’ve been using this platform to promote my music for a while with some success.

    So in this SubmitHub review, I’ll share my experience and give you a basic intro.

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    Why Is Fan Engagement Important To Artist Teams?

    The artist-to-fan relationship is extremely mutual, with the artist giving the fans content and the fans showing their appreciation with revenue and support. Fans crave the feeling of a one-on-one connection with the artist to form meaningful relationships that benefit both the fan and the artist themselves!

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    MusicThinkTank Weekly Recap: Guns in music videos & More

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