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Entries in blog (10)


Say “Bye” To The “Buy”

We’ve all seen the ads, spam comments from random accounts, and posts that look oh so tempting to check out or even try. Increase your followers!, Gain more followers! Blah! Blah! Blah!…but of course it comes with a cost…literally. Now, we can’t discredit the supply/demand business savvy that is being used here. These fly by night business pages/companies are aware that people are now desperate to get their follower numbers up. With this in mind, they’ve set up a way to manipulate the social media numbers to create the illusion of a large following. It’s smart, in a way, because when one person sees that an artist has a large number of followers on their page, they tend to check it out to see what the hype is all about. However, at the end of the day, the numbers just don’t add up.

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Indie Music = REAL Music?

Where can we find quality music today?

It’s a no-brainer that the music industry has DRASTICALLY changed since some of our favorite mainstream artists began. These changes have created a domino effect on how music is made, distributed, marketed, and handled business wise. A lot of our beloved artists who were once signed to major labels have now started their own or joined independent labels. On the other hand, technology changes have had a grand effect on new indie artists who have hopes on getting picked up/signed by major labels OR continue their growth on the independent route

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Why Artists Should Blog

I highly recommend that artists learn to love blogging. Here’s why.

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BRASH! Blog’s new additions

Music Marketing Blog expansions and additions and wants YOU to be involved

(July 16, 2013 – Atlanta, GA) - BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog is constantly changing to stay innovative and ensuring its readers are getting a great experience with each post. To enhance user experience, BRASH! decided to make some additions to the blog site. The blog will continue its current format of music marketing blogs, PRs, and Artist Spotlight segments. However, new additions will include guest bloggers lending their expertise on music marketing topics, music festival/concert posts, Q & A segments with music industry insiders, and interviews with the monthly Artist Spotlight; instead of a bio/write up about the artist.

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The Elements Of A Successful Music Blog Pitch

One of the most common questions I hear from musicians is how we get through to so many blogs sucessfully when pitching them? Below, I’ve outlined the format both my co-author Todd Thomas and I have used to pitch countless bands to blogs. Todd has employed this format when pitching successfully to tons of huge blogs that has gained his group Sensual Harassment coverage on Pitchfork, Vice, etc. 

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Are you engaged?

From BRASH! - A Music Marketing Blog

Getting involved with your following

When I speak of being engaged, in a Marketing perspective it doesn’t mean to “Put a ring on it”. As we all know, you can be engaged with people by becoming involved whether its in a business aspect or a relationship.  As an artist, you should want to have engaging conversations with your fans, interested media outlets, and industry professionals.  This will help you to expand your brand and exposure in the industry.


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And the award goes to…….

Celebrating the small wins

All artists want to be recognized for their craft/art. And recognition can come in many forms. The main forms of recognition, that artists often go after, generally falls under the categories of awards, high sales, popular media exposure, and other opportunities/offers within the entertainment industry. However, some artists will not get these on large scales.  If you find yourself in the latter scenario then don’t hesitate to celebrate the small wins/recognitions. Since the world isn’t making a big deal about it….YOU should make a big deal about it. Get people involved and get them to care about what you’ve accomplished. Hey you worked hard to earn it….why not brag about it?!?!

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"Are you engaged?" from BRASH! A Music Marketing Blog

Getting involved with your following

When I speak of being engaged, in a Marketing perspective it doesn’t mean to “Put a ring on it”. As we all know, you can be engaged with people by becoming involved whether its in a business aspect or a relationship.  As an artist, you should want to have engaging conversations with your fans, interested media outlets, and industry professionals.  This will help you to expand your brand and exposure in the industry.

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BRASH! Presents Artists With A Chance To Shine

New addition to Music Marketing Blog highlighting artists

(ATLANTA, GA), Jan 31, 2012 - BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog, developed by Paina B Music Marketing, has now added a new element highlighting artists. The “Artist Spotlight” will give established as well as up and coming talent an opportunity to gain exposure to expand their brand. Each month, BRASH! will post, highlight, and give positive reviews for 1-2 artists. The goal of this new element is to provide a platform for quality artists.

Since this new addition to BRASH! was announced earlier this month, artists have been flooding Paina B Music Marketing’s email and social media sites to find out how they can have a chance to be on the site’s artist spotlight section. “The purpose of Paina B Music Marketing is to get quality artist to the forefront. Instead of making other media outlets take notice and provide features, why not take that step as well and give an additional outlet for exposure.”, says Paina B Music Marketing CEO/Founder, E. Alexcina Brown.

To sign up to be considered to be featured on BRASH! – A Music Marketing Blog “Artist Spotlight”, send music links, bio, YouTube link to

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The Virtual Tour, Parts II and III (OR: Keep Your Studio Slippers On!)

To successfully promote your music you need to be able to influence potential listeners from all across the web. A new and potentially effective method of increasing the recognition of your music, influencing new listeners and spreading the awareness of you, as a band or musician, is to set up a virtual tour.

In this article we look at why you should be setting up a virtual music tour, how to find blogs to host your tour and how to get the most out of the experience. In the final paragraph I share a trick that has proved to be a very powerful way of encouraging listeners to interact and leave blog comments.

What Is A Virtual Tour?

The basic structure of a virtual tour is a collection of different types of web/blog posts, hosted on a number of different sites/blogs, all promoting your band and/or music. A simple example: the tour might be six different blogs to each post about your band/music, each posting on six consecutive days. Another example might be four different blogs, one standard website, and an announced and date specified new video post on your youtube channel, over a one week period.

The idea behind a virtual tour is that the musician/band has a chance to influenc

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